Thursday, January 28, 2010

Late Night Snack

The moon was not in its full shape yet. The stars are some covered by overcasts.

White sugary-creamy sensation in the outside, yellow soft-smooth-milky filling, and with one touch of dark-blue-sweet-sour-fruit topping; one of the best cake ever.

The cheesecake; the night was good. And one more final thing made it divine. It became..

Simply beautiful :D

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Something about me and you

It was midnight. Stars are already out, the moon is so bright, the clouds are floating high. I was singing, screaming in that one cold night. Sleeping wasn't on my to-do list.

The next day. A big smile from the sun shines through the clouds of white to the trees of green, roses of red, violets of violet, you, and me. The ocean wasn't as big as it used to be. It is covered with walls of concrete and inches of acrylic. They separates all the livings; the citizens of the ocean. What a great opportunity for us; me and you.

Simple happiness. So simple. All we really need is only a smile from both of our faces.


         Dugong Dugon
Average life span in the wild:
70 years
8 to 10 ft (2.4 to 3 m)
510 to 1,100 lbs (231 to 499 kg)
Group name:
Protection status:
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:

These enormous vegetarians can be found in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia, including the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Pacific. Dugongs are related to manatees and are similar in appearance and behavior— though the dugong's tail is fluked like a whale's. Both are related to the elephant, although the giant land animal is not at all similar in appearance or behavior. Dugongs graze on underwater grasses day and night, rooting for them with their bristled, sensitive snouts and chomping them with their rough lips. These mammals can stay underwater for six minutes before surfacing. They sometimes breathe by "standing" on their tail with their heads above water. Dugongs spend much of their time alone or in pairs, though they are sometimes seen gathered in large herds of a hundred animals.

Female dugongs have one calf after a yearlong pregnancy, and the mother helps her young reach the surface and take its first breath. A young dugong remains close to its mother for about 18 months, sometimes catching a ride on her broad back. These languid animals make an easy target for coastal hunters, and they were long sought for their meat, oil, skin, bones, and teeth. Dugongs are now legally protected throughout their range, but their populations are still in a tenuous state. Some believe that dugongs were the inspiration for ancient seafaring tales of mermaids and sirens.

Look how beautiful they are!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Chills run down my spine as our fingers entwine and your sighs harmonize with mine.
Unmistakably, I can still feel your heart beat fast when you dance with me.

About you?

I Love My Sister

Sashilia Armistiani. Born in Jakarta on May 4th, 1986. A singer, a songwriter, a guitar player, a friend, a daughter, and a wonderful sister.

Pada tanggal 20 Januari 2010 (kemarin) pukul 21:30 WIB, kakak gw tampil untuk menyanyi solo dalam acara "Harmoni" di saluran televisi SCTV. Beliau diiringi oleh Magenta Orchestra yang dipimpin oleh salah seorang musisi terbaik yang dimiliki Indonesia, yaitu Andi Rianto. Dalam performanya kali ini, Sashi membawakan sebuah lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh grup The Virgin. It was indescribable! Super cool! I love my sister! :D

Here's a quick link to the video,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This is not my story to tell

I was too afraid to get up this morning. Too afraid to see that the world is changing. Too afraid to hear that the world is changing. Too afraid to feel that the world is changing. Too afraid to finally realize that the world is changing.


Sebangunnya gw tadi pagi, gw langsung mengambil handphone yang dengan tidak biasanya tergeletak tepat di samping bantal tempat gw tidur. Hal pertama yang gw lihat dari layar yang terpasangkan pada sebuah benda bercahaya yang memiliki banyak tombol di atasnya ini adalah bekas percakapan yang rupanya tidak terselesaikan pada waktu malam sebelumnya. Tidak lama waktu yang gw habiskan untuk sekedar memandangi layar kotak yang menyala lebih terang daripada sinar matahari pagi yang memang tidak bisa menembus kain gelap yang menutupi jendela kamar gw. Setelah beberapa detik gw langsung menegakkan badan, menapakkan kaki untuk memutar sebuah benda yang menempel pada daun pintu kamar gw itu, dan untuk sesaat tiba-tiba gw berhenti,

"it's happening."

Seperti ada yang mengajak gw bicara di saat tidak ada sosok yang mungkin untuk mengajak gw bicara. Tanpa pikir panjang gw langsung mengambil tempat penampungan air mini, mengisinya, dan menegukkan isinya ke dalam mulut gw. Sejak saat itu, pagi gw berjalan cepat tanpa dapat gw kejar sampai berpindah tempat pun tidak bisa gw sadari.

"What's wrong?"

Suaranya terdengar untuk kali kedua.

"It's Wednesday!"

Berikutnya terdengar dengan nada agak tinggi, seolah berusaha menyadarkan gw dari mimpi berjalan ini. Tapi lagi-lagi gw menghiraukan saja suara-suara maya itu dan melanjutkan apa yang sedang akan gw lakukan, membuka laptop dan menggunakannya.

All of the sudden i stopped working. Now i think i know what i've been listening to. Those imaginary voices. Everybody has two sides of themselves, and maybe he's only trying to tell me something i should have realize from the moment i woke up. That today's Wednesday. So the next question is, what happens in Wednesday? Well fellows, the story is not mine anymore to tell.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The first post in 2010!

It's been many months since my last post, eh?

January 14th, 2010
My Photography club (LIFO FEUI) went to Kebun Raya Bogor for our yearly routine activity which is the "LIFO Team Building". This event is supposedly dedicated for all current year LIFO freshmen. Last year, LIFO went to Baka-Baka Cottage in Carita Beach and spent a night there. Let's take a review..

December 22nd, 2008
I was a freshman. I only know few people (my highschool friends) back then. I was so nervous, "what if i couldn't get along with other people?" always flashed in my mind. As the day started to began, all LIFO members met up in FEUI's Main Lobby to have a quick briefing before we get to travel a two-hours trip to Carita Beach. I'm all quiet, confused, and absolutely nervous, after one of the oldies asked my name and introduced himself. His name is Bhaswara. He's taller and bigger than me, wears glasses, has a girlfriend, and the most interesting sight for me is: he was holding a guitar! He's a nice person. He introduced me to several people there, and one man who caught my attention when we were introducing ourselves was Pramudhana Angga Pratama. No, nothing's wrong with him. The thing is, he introduced himself as "P". I thought i misheard his name somehow, but i wasn't. Everybody here called him "P", and so will I, I think. I started from introducing myself to the other oldies, thanks to Bhas, and then continued to my fellow freshmen. It was pretty awkward, but yet, kinda fun. It's always great to know new people.

After an hour (more or less) of waiting, we finally began our journey. LIFO rented a small-sized bus. All freshmen was meant to ride the bus, just so we could get to know each other more along our way. There were some of the oldies on board too, along with Bhas and P. Along the way, we talked, had jokes, were singing out loud (thanks to Bhas' guitar), had a little trivia games, and even had a magic trick show (thanks to Ijar)! Fun, it was.. We finally arrived at the resort after 3 hours of bus ride. At the resort, there were games, games, games, games, free times, and of course MEAL TIME (my favorite)! And in the night, our last activity was campfire. The freshmen was meant to give something which we usually call as "Persembahan" to the oldies. We did a mini drama and, as a closure, we sang a song together. It was all dedicated for the oldies. A hell of a time! :D
A snapshot of the family
And some of the freshmen
A great story that I'm proud to share.. Hehe. That's it I guess. Not a bad way to (re)start blogging, right? Hahaha.
